A FENCE - Yes. The Township regulates where you may place fences.
A PATIO - Yes. A zoning permit for location is required because setbacks from the property line apply. No building permit or inspections are required. However, if you plan to use the patio as a foundation for a room addition you will need a permit. The footing inspection will prove that your patio is anchored down at the frost line and not just a "floating slab."
A BARN - Yes. A building permit is required because setbacks from the property line apply. However, all agricultural buildings are exempt from building permits (building codes).
REPLACEMENT ROOF - Yes, if you have a dwelling and are changing the slope of the roof or adding dormers (windows). No, if you have a dwelling and just replacing shingles (re-roofing) or applying a rubber roof. Yes, if it is a non-residential building.
HOT TUB/SPA - Yes. Hot tubs and spas are covered under the Pennsylvania Uniform
Construction Code and require a building permit and inspection.
A UTILITY SHED - Yes. Any residential accessory building requires a permit. Setbacks from the property line apply.
FINISHING A BASEMENT - Yes. A building permit is required to finish an area in the basement as a room addition. If the area includes a bedroom, an egress (escape) window or door to the outside is required. Any structural alteration to the dwelling for an egress requires a building permit and inspections.
A DECK - Yes. All deck structures require a building permit.
A PRIVATE WALKWAY (SIDEWALK) - Contact the Zoning Officer for direction. Public pedestrian sidewalks always require a permit, since they must be constructed to a certain standard.
REPLACEMENT WINDOWS/DOORS - No. If the opening in the wall is not enlarged, no permit or inspection is required. Yes. If you are making an opening where there was none before or making an existing opening larger, a building permit is required.